1: <?php
3: /**
4: *
5: * @package Plugin
6: * @subpackage FormAssistant
7: * @version SVN Revision $Rev:$
8: * @author marcus.gnass
9: * @copyright four for business AG
10: * @link http://www.4fb.de
11: */
13: // assert CONTENIDO framework
14: defined('CON_FRAMEWORK') || die('Illegal call: Missing framework initialization - request aborted.');
16: /**
17: * This form post helper should simplify the implementation of typical form
18: * processing.
19: * Its main method process() wraps the steps read data from request,
20: * validate data and persist data in database. In order to make this approach
21: * more customizable three protected "event handler" were defined that can be
22: * implemented by a concrete implementation of this class. These allow to
23: * preprocess the data read from the request before it's going to be validated
24: * and to be postprocessed after it's been persisted into the database.
25: *
26: * @author marcus.gnass
27: */
28: abstract class PifaAbstractFormProcessor {
30: /**
31: *
32: * @var PifaAbstractFormModule
33: */
34: private $_module = NULL;
36: /**
37: *
38: * @todo should be private as it can be accessed via getForm()
39: * @var PifaForm
40: */
41: protected $_form = NULL;
43: /**
44: * Instantiates the processor.
45: * The processor aggregates the form module and the form.
46: * The idform is read from the given modules settings.
47: *
48: * In former implementations of the processor the modules had no settings
49: * and thus no idform. Thats why optionally the idfrm gan be given
50: * explicitly. This shoud be removed when all processors are refactored.
51: *
52: * @param int $idform
53: * @throws ModuleException
54: */
55: public function __construct(PifaAbstractFormModule $module = NULL, $idform = NULL) {
56: $this->_module = $module;
58: // for backward compatibility
59: if (NULL !== $this->_module) {
60: $idform = $this->_module->getSetting('pifaform_idform');
61: }
63: // assure $idform to be an integer
64: $idform = cSecurity::toInteger($idform);
65: if (0 === $idform) {
66: $msg = Pifa::i18n('MISSING_IDFORM');
67: throw new PifaException($msg);
68: }
70: // load form
71: $this->_form = new PifaForm($idform);
72: if (false === $this->_form->isLoaded()) {
73: $msg = Pifa::i18n('FORM_LOAD_ERROR');
74: throw new PifaException($msg);
75: }
76: }
78: /**
79: *
80: * @return PifaAbstractFormModule
81: */
82: public function getModule() {
83: return $this->_module;
84: }
86: /**
87: *
88: * @param PifaAbstractFormModule $_module
89: */
90: public function setModule($_module) {
91: $this->_module = $_module;
92: }
94: /**
95: *
96: * @return PifaForm
97: */
98: public function getForm() {
99: return $this->_form;
100: }
102: /**
103: *
104: * @param PifaForm $_form
105: */
106: public function setForm($_form) {
107: $this->_form = $_form;
108: }
110: /**
111: * Template method to postprocess data that has just been read from request.
112: * This can be usefull e.g. to remove default values for certain form
113: * fields.
114: */
115: abstract protected function _processReadData();
117: /**
118: * Template method to postprocess data that has just been validated.
119: * I cannot yet imagine a situatio where this could be useful but added
120: * this method for completeness' sake.
121: */
122: abstract protected function _processValidatedData();
124: /**
125: * Template method to postprocess data that has just been stored to
126: * database.
127: * This can be usefull e.g. to send form values via email or process them
128: * in another way.
129: */
130: abstract protected function _processStoredData();
132: /**
133: * Processes a form.
134: * Therefor the forms values are read from the appropriate request,
135: * validated and written to database.
136: * After each step a method is called that allows to postprocess the forms
137: * data or even the form itself. This postprocessing is optional and can be
138: * implemented in concrete implementations of this abstratc class
139: *
140: * @throws ModuleException if there is no form to process
141: * @throws PifaValidationException if data is invalid
142: * @throws PifaDatabaseException if data could not be stored
143: */
144: public function process() {
146: // assert there is a form to process
147: if (NULL === $this->_form) {
148: $msg = Pifa::i18n('MISSING_IDFORM');
149: throw new PifaException($msg);
150: }
152: // perform steps as described in documentation
154: $this->_form->fromForm();
155: $this->_processReadData();
157: $this->_form->validate();
158: $this->_processValidatedData();
160: $this->_form->storeData();
161: $this->_processStoredData();
162: }
163: }