Classes summary
ArticleForumRightBottom |
Generic page GUI class. Manages HTML pages and provides functions for rendering
them. |
cApiClickableAction |
cApiClickableAction is a subclass of cApiAction. It provides an image for visual
representation. Inherited classes should call the "setNamedAction" operation in
their constructors; on-the-fly-implementations should call it directly after
creating an object instance. |
cApiClickableQuestionAction |
Clickable question action class. |
cGuiFoldingRow |
Foldable table row GUI class |
cGuiList |
List GUI class |
cGuiMenu |
Menu GUI class |
cGuiNavigation |
Backend navigaton class. Renders the header navigation document containing the
navigtion structure. |
cGuiNotification |
Class for displaying notifications. |
cGuiObjectPager |
Class for foldable pager for menus. |
cGuiPage |
Generic page GUI class. Manages HTML pages and provides functions for rendering
them. |
cGuiScrollList |
Scrollable lists GUI class |
cGuiTableForm |
Table form GUI class |
cGuiTree |
cGuiTree is a visual representation of a cTree. It supports folding, optional
gridline marks and item icons. |
cPager |
cPager Basic pager class without presentation logic |
cTemplate |
class Template Light template mechanism |
cTree |
Tree class |
cTreeItem |
Tree item class |
NoteLink |
This class uses the link GUI class to serve a special link for notes. |
NoteList |
This class uses the div GUI class to serve a special div for note lists. |
NoteListItem |
This class uses the div GUI class to serve a special div for note list items. |
NoteView |
This class uses the iframe GUI class to serve a special iframe for notes. |
TODOBackendList |
Scrollable lists GUI class |
TODOLink |
This class uses the link GUI class to serve a special link for to-do entries. |