Package Setup\Helper\PHP
canPHPurlfopen | Checks if PHP is able to use allow_url_fopen. |
checkPHPiniget | Checks if the ini_get function is available and not disabled. Returns true if the function is available. |
checkPHPSQLSafeMode | |
checkPHPUploadMaxFilesize | |
getAsBytes | |
getDisabledFunctions | |
getOpenBasedir | |
getPHPDisplayErrorSetting | |
getPHPFileUploadSetting | |
getPHPGPCOrder | |
getPHPIniSetting | Retrieves the setting $setting from the PHP setup. Wrapper to avoid warnings if ini_get is in the disable_functions directive. |
getPHPMagicQuotesGPC | |
getPHPMagicQuotesRuntime | |
getPHPMagicQuotesSybase | |
getPHPMaxExecutionTime | |
getPHPMaxPostSize | |
getPHPOpenBasedirSetting | |
getSafeModeGidStatus | |
getSafeModeIncludeDir | |
getSafeModeStatus | |
isPHPCompatible | |
isPHPExtensionLoaded | |
isRegisterLongArraysActive |