Package Plugin\FormAssistant
cContentTypePifaForm | Content type CMS_PIFAFORM which lets the editor configure a PIFA form to be displayed in frontend. |
DefaultFormModule | This class is the default implementation for PIFA form modules. On a GET request it displays a form. On a POST request the posted data is processed. If an error occurs the form is displayed again only that now all valid data is displayed in the form and error messages (if defined) are displayed for all invalid form fields. |
DefaultFormProcessor | Default implementation of the abstract form processor that implements no postprocessing at all. |
ExampleOptionsDatasource | This is an example for an external options data source. |
MailedFormProcessor | The given data should be send via email to the systems mail address and a confirmation mail to the user itself. This feature can be accomplished by extending the class PifaFormAbstractProcessor and implementing its method _processStoredData(). |
Pifa | Helper class for this plugin. |
PifaAbstractFormModule | Abstract base class for all classes that are used as PIFA form module. |
PifaAbstractFormProcessor | This form post helper should simplify the implementation of typical form processing. Its main method process() wraps the steps read data from request, validate data and persist data in database. In order to make this approach more customizable three protected "event handler" were defined that can be implemented by a concrete implementation of this class. These allow to preprocess the data read from the request before it's going to be validated and to be postprocessed after it's been persisted into the database. |
PifaAjaxHandler | Class for area "form_ajax" handling all Ajax requests for the PIFA backend. |
PifaExporter | This class allows for exporting a PIFA form as XML. The exported file contains the structure of the form and its fields. Optionally the export file may contain the forms gathered data from its data table. |
PifaExternalOptionsDatasourceInterface | Abstract class to read labels and values to be used for PIFA field options from an external datasource. |
PifaField | PIFA field item class. It's a kind of a model. |
PifaFieldCollection | PIFA field item collection class. It's a kind of a model. |
PifaForm | PIFA form item class. It's a kind of a model. |
PifaFormCollection | PIFA form item collection class. It's a kind of a model. |
PifaImporter | This class allows for exporting a PIFA form as XML. The exported file contains the structure of the form and its fields. Optionally the export file may contain the forms gathered data. |
PifaLeftBottomPage | Page to be displayed in the left bottom frame. It provides a navigation for all forms defined for the current client and the current language. |
PifaRightBottomFormDataPage | Page for area "form_data" to be displayed in the right bottom frame. |
PifaRightBottomFormExportPage | Page for area "form_export" to be displayed in the right bottom frame. This page allows for exporting a form as XML. |
PifaRightBottomFormFieldsPage | Page for area "form_fields" to be displayed in the right bottom frame. |
PifaRightBottomFormImportPage | Page for area "form_import" to be displayed in the right bottom frame. This page allows for importing a form that is available as XML. |
PifaRightBottomFormPage | Page for area "form" to be displayed in the right bottom frame. |
SolrRightBottomPage | Creates a page to be displayed in the right bottom frame. |
PifaDatabaseException | Exceptions indicating a problem when PIFA tries to access the database. |
PifaException | Base class for all PIFA related exceptions. |
PifaIllegalStateException | Exceptions indicating that PIFA reached an illegal state. This happens e.g. if permissions for a certain action are missing. |
PifaMailException | Exceptions indicating a problem when PIFA tries to send a mail. |
PifaNotImplementedException | Exceptions indicating that a certain PIFA feature is not yet implemented. |
PifaNotYetStoredException | Currently not in use. |
PifaValidationException | Exceptions indicating that invalid data was found when PIFA tried to process posted data. |