Package Core\Backend
cAjaxRequest | Class for outputting some content for Ajax use |
cAutoload | Implements autoload feature for a CONTENIDO project. |
cBackend | This class controls all backend actions. |
cEffectiveSetting | Effective setting manager class. Provides a interface to retrieve effective settings. |
cGuiScrollListAlltranslations | Extend cGuiScrollList for some special features like CSS class for table data |
cHTMLValidator | This class validates HTML. |
cMailer | Mailer class which should be used for all mail sending purposes. |
cModuleFileTranslation | This class save the translations from a modul in a file and get it from file. |
cModuleHandler | Class for new modul structere. Saves the Modul-Input in a file (input.php) and Modul-Output in a file(output.php). All moduls of a clients are in [frontend]/modules/. |
cModuleSearch | This class performs the module search. |
cModuleSynchronizer | This class synchronized the contents of modul dir with the table $cfg['tab']['mod']. If a modul exist in modul dir but not in $cfg['tab']['mod'] this class will insert the modul in the table. |
cModuleTemplateHandler | Class handels the view, creation, edit, delete of modul templates. |
CodeMirror | Class for handling and displaying CodeMirror |
cPasswordRequest | Class for handling passwort recovery for backend users. If a user has set his e-mail address, this class generates a new Password for user and submits to his e-mail address. Submitting a new Password is only possible every 30 minutes Mailsender, Mailsendername and Mailserver are set into system properties. There it is also possible to deactivate this feature. |
cPermission | This class handles the permission management |
cRegistry | This class contains functions for global interaction in CONTENIDO. |
cSystemPurge | CONTENIDO cSystemPurge class to reset some datas and files |
cSystemtest | Provides functions to test the system integrity |
cTinymce4Configuration | |
cTinyMCE4Editor | The object cTinyMCE4Editor is a wrapper class to the TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor. Attributes can be defined to generate JavaScript options and functions to initialise the global tinymce object in file ./contenido/external/wysiwyg/tinymce4/contenido/templates/template.tinymce_tpl.html. |
cTinyMCEEditor | The object cTinyMCEEditor is a wrapper class to the TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor. Attributes can be defined to generate JavaScript options and functions to initialise the global tinyMCE object in file ./contenido/external/wysiwyg/tinymce3/tinymce.tpl.html. |
cWYSIWYGEditor | Base class for all WYSIWYG editors |
FrontendList | Class FrontendList Class for scrollable frontend lists |
HtmlParser | Class HtmlParser. To use, create an instance of the class passing HTML text. Then invoke parse() until it's false. When parse() returns true, $iNodeType, $iNodeName $iNodeValue and $iNodeAttributes are updated. |
TreeItem | Class TreeItem Class to create tree-based items |
UploadList | Class FrontendList Class for scrollable frontend lists |
UploadSearchResultList | Class FrontendList Class for scrollable frontend lists |
addArtspec | Add new article specification |
addSortImages | Adds sorting images to string |
backToMainArea | Redirect to main area |
buildArticleSelect | Build a Article select Box |
buildCategorySelect | Build a Category / Article select Box |
buildCategorySelectRights | Build a Category select Box containg all categories which user is allowed to create new categories |
buildHeapTable | Deletes existing heap table (table in memory) and creates it. |
buildStackString | Returns a formatted string with a stack trace ready for output. "\tfunction1() called in file $filename($line)" "\tfunction2() called in file $filename($line)" ... |
buildTree | |
buildUserOrGroupPermsFromRequest | Builds user/group permissions (sysadmin, admin, client and language) by processing request variables ($msysadmin, $madmin, $mclient, $mlang) and returns the build permissions array. |
callPluginStore | Calls the plugin's store methods. |
cApiCatGetLevelNode | Seeks through the category tree and returns the node on a specific level. |
cApiImageCheckCachedImageValidity | Validates cache version of a image. |
cApiImageCheckImageEditingPosibility | Check possible image editing functionality |
cApiImageGetCacheFileName | Returns cache file name. |
cApiImageGetTargetDimensions | Returns new calculated dimensions of a target image. |
cApiImageIsAnimGif | Check if gif is animated, uses "identify" of ImageMagick. |
cApiImgScale | Scales (or crops) an image. If scaling, the aspect ratio is maintained. |
cApiImgScaleGetMD5CacheFile | Returns the MD5 filename used for caching. |
cApiImgScaleHQ | Scales (or crops) an image in high quality. If scaling, the aspect ratio is maintained. |
cApiImgScaleImageMagick | Scales (or crops) an image using ImageMagick. If scaling, the aspect ratio is maintained. |
cApiImgScaleLQ | Scales (or crops) an image. If scaling, the aspect ratio is maintained. |
cApiIsImageMagickAvailable | Checks if ImageMagick is available |
cApiStrCleanURLCharacters | Removes or converts all "evil" URL characters. This function removes or converts all characters which can make an URL invalid. |
cApiStrNormalizeLineEndings | Normalizes line endings in passed string. |
cApiStrRecodeString | Converts a string to another encoding. This function tries to detect which function to use (either recode or iconv). |
cApiStrReplaceDiacritics | cApiStrReplaceDiacritics: Converts diactritics to english characters whenever possible. |
cApiStrTrimAfterWord | Trims a string to a given length and makes sure that all words up to $maxlen are preserved, without exceeding $maxlen. |
cApiStrTrimHard | Trims a string to a specific length. If the string is longer than $maxlen, dots are inserted ("...") right before $maxlen. |
cApiStrTrimSentence | Trims a string to a approximate length. Sentence boundaries are preserved. |
cDeprecated | Writes a note to deprecatedlog.txt |
cDie | CONTENIDO die-alternative. Logs the message and calls die(). |
cError | CONTENIDO error |
checkLangInClients | Function checks if a language is associated with a given list of clients |
checkPathInformation | must be done |
cInclude | Includes a file and takes care of all path transformations. |
compareUrlStrings | check path informations |
conChangeTemplateForCat | Change the template of a category |
conCopyArticle | Copy article entry. |
conCopyArtLang | Copy article language entry. |
conCopyContainerConf | Copies container configuration entries from source container configuration to destination container configuration. |
conCopyContent | Copies content entries from source article language to destination article language. |
conCopyMetaTags | Copies meta tag entries from source article language to destination article language. |
conCopyTemplateConfiguration | Copies template configuration entry from source template configuration. |
conCreateLocationString | Recursive function to create an location string |
conDeeperCategoriesArray | Fetch all deeper categories by a given id |
conDeleteart | Delete an Article and all other related entries |
conEditArt | Edit an existing article |
conEditFirstTime | Create a new article |
conFetchCategoryTree | Returns category tree structure. |
conFlagOnOffline | Set articles on/offline for the time management function |
conGenerateCode | Generates the code for one article |
conGenerateCodeForAllArts | Create code for all articles |
conGenerateCodeForAllArtsInCategory | Generate code for all articles in a category |
conGenerateCodeForAllartsUsingLayout | Create code for all arts using the same layout |
conGenerateCodeForAllartsUsingMod | Create code for all articles using the same module |
conGenerateCodeForAllArtsUsingTemplate | Generate code for all articles using one template |
conGenerateCodeForArtInAllCategories | Create code for one article in all categories |
conGenerateCodeForClient | Generate code for the active client |
conGetAvailableMetaTagTypes | Returns all available meta tag types |
conGetCategoryArticleId | Returns category article id |
conGetCategoryAssignments | Returns all categories in which the given article is in. |
conGetContainerConfiguration | Returns list of all configured container configurations by template configuration id |
conGetContentFromArticle | Get content from article by article language. |
conGetHtmlTranslationTable | |
conGetMetaValue | Get the meta tag value for a specific article |
conGetTemplateConfigurationIdForArticle | Returns template configuration id for a configured article. |
conGetTemplateConfigurationIdForCategory | Returns template configuration id for a configured category |
conGetTopmostCat | |
conGetUsedModules | Returns list of all container with configured modules by template id |
conHtmlentities | |
conHtmlEntityDecode | |
conHtmlSpecialChars | |
conIsLocked | Checks if a article is locked or not |
conLock | Toggle the lock status of an article |
conLockBulkEditing | Freeze/Lock more articles. |
conMakeArticleIndex | Generate index of article content. |
conMakeCatOnline | Toggle the online status of a category |
conMakeInlineScript | Creates a inline script wrapped with a self executing function |
conMakeOnline | Toggle the online status of an article |
conMakeOnlineBulkEditing | Set the status from articles to online or offline. |
conMakePublic | Toggle the public status of a category Almost the same function as strMakePublic in functions.str.php (conDeeperCategoriesArray instead of strDeeperCategoriesArray) |
conMakeStart | Set a start-article @fixme Do we still need the isstart. The old start compatibility has already been removed... |
conMoveArticles | Move articles for the time management function |
conPhp54Check | |
conRemoveOldCategoryArticle | Deletes old category article entries and other related entries from other tables. |
conSaveContentEntry | Save a content element and generate index |
conSetCodeFlag | Set code creation flag for one category article id to true |
conSetCodeFlagBulkEditing | Set code creation flag for several category article ids to true |
conSetMetaValue | Set the meta tag value for a specific article. |
conSyncArticle | Synchronizes an article from source language to destination language. |
copyRightsForElement | Duplicate rights for any element. |
createBulkEditingFunction | Creates HTML code for the bulk editing functions in the article overview. |
createRandomName | Creates a random name (example: Passwords). |
createRightsForElement | Create rights for any element |
cWarning | CONTENIDO warning |
dbGetColumns | Returns the column structure of a table |
dbGetIndexes | Returns existing indexes of a specific table. |
dbGetPrimaryKeyName | Returns the primary key column of a table |
dbTableExists | Checks, if passed table exists in the database |
dbUpgradeTable | Updates a specific table. Used e. g. by CONTENIDO setup to create or update tables. Function logic: 1 .) Check, if the table exists 2a.) If not, create it with the field specification, exit 2b.) If the table exists, check, if the field exist 3 .) If not, try to find the field using previous names (if specified in $field like 'name1,name2') 4a.) If the field hasn't been found, create the field as specified, exit 4b.) If the field has been found using a previous name (if specified) rename the column to $field 5 .) As the field has been found, check, if the field's type is matching 5a.) If the type is matching, exit 5b.) If the field's content type is not matching, try to convert first (e.g. string to int or int to string), then use the upgrade statement if applicable |
defineIfNotDefined | Defines a constant if not defined before. |
deleteArtspec | Delete specified article specification |
deleteRightsForElement | Delete rights for any element |
deleteSystemProperty | Remove a system property entry |
displayDatetime | Returns a formatted date and/or timestring according to the current settings |
emptyLogFile | Clears CONTENIDO standard errorlog.txt |
endAndLogTiming | Ends the timing process and logs it to the timings file |
extractNumber | Extract a number from a string |
generateDisplayFilePath | Function reduces long path names and creates a dynamic tooltipp which shows the full path name on mouseover |
generateJs | Generating refresh JavaScript for form in left_top |
getAllClientsAndLanguages | Returns a list with all clients and languages. |
getArtLang | Returns the idartlang for a given article and language |
getArtspec | Retrieve list of article specifications for current client and language |
getAvailableContentTypes | Extracts the available content-types from the database |
getCanonicalDay | Get multi-language day |
getCanonicalMonth | Returns multi-language month name (canonical) by its numeric value |
getDirectorySize | Returns the size of a directory. AKA the combined filesizes of all files within it. Note that this function uses filesize(). There could be problems with files that are larger than 2GiB |
getEffectiveSetting | Returns effective setting for a property. |
getEffectiveSettingsByType | Returns the current effective settings for a type of properties. |
getEncodingByLanguage | Returns encoding for language with ID $iLang (global $lang in CONTENIDO style). The parameter $db has to be an instance of cDb (global $db in con) and $cfg is the equivalent to global $cfg array in CONTENIDO. If no encoding is found or any parameter is not valid, the function will return false, otherwise the encoding as string like it is stored in database. |
getFileContents | |
getFileInformation | Function returns file meta information from database (used when files were versionned or description is displayed) |
getFileType | Returns the filetype (extension). |
getGroupOrUserName | |
getIDForArea | Returns the id of passed area |
getJsHelpContext | Returns the JavaScript help context code, if help confuguration is enabled |
getLanguageNamesByClient | Returns all languages (language ids and names) of an client |
getLanguagesByClient | Returns list of languages (language ids) by passed client. |
getmicrotime | |
getNamedFrame | Returns the name of the numeric frame given |
getParam | |
getParentAreaId | Returns the parent id of passed area |
getSearchResults | Searches in properties |
getStrExpandCollapseButton | |
getSystemProperties | Retrieves all available system properties. Array format: |
getSystemPropertiesByType | Gets system property entries |
getSystemProperty | Gets a system property entry |
getTemplateSelect | |
getUplExpandCollapseButton | |
htmldecode | |
htmlentities_iso88592 | Special version of htmlentites for iso-8859-2 Returns transformed string |
humanReadableSize | Converts a size in bytes in a human readable form |
includePlugins | Includes plugins for a given entity. |
insertEmptyStrRow | |
ipMatch | IP match |
isAlphanumeric | Checks if a value is alphanumeric |
isArchive | |
isArtInMultipleUse | Checks if an article is assigned to multiple categories |
isFunctionDisabled | Checks, if a function is disabled or not ('disable_functions' setting in php.ini) |
isGroup | |
isIPv4 | Check for valid ip adress |
isRunningFromWeb | Checks if the script is being runned from the web |
isStartArticle | Checks if an article is a start article of a category. |
isUtf8 | Returns whether a string is UTF-8 encoded or not |
isValidMail | Checks if passed email address is valid or not |
langActivateDeactivateLanguage | Deactivate a language |
langDeleteLanguage | Delete a language |
langEditLanguage | Edit a language |
langGetTextDirection | Returns the base direction of text (ltr = left to right, rtl = right to left) by language id |
langNewLanguage | Create a new language |
langRenameLanguage | Rename a language |
layDeleteLayout | Deletes the layout with the given ID from the database and the file system. |
layEditLayout | Edit or Create a new layout |
machineReadableSize | Converts a byte size like "8M" to the absolute number of bytes |
mailLogBulkEditingFunctions | |
mailLogDecodeAddresses | Takes an associative array where the keys represent the mail addresses and the values optionally represent the mailer name and returns an HTML representation in the following form: Vorname Nachname vorname.nachname@domain.tld Vorname2 Nachname2 vorname2.nachname2@domain2.tld |
markSubMenuItem | Write JavaScript to mark submenu item. |
mask | Masks string for inserting into SQL statement |
modDeleteModule | |
modEditModule | Saves changes of modules and regenerates code cache if required |
phpInfoToHtml | Grabs phpinfo() output. |
plugin_include | Includes a file from a plugin and takes care of all path transformations. |
prCreateURLNameLocationString | Recursive function to create an URL name location string. |
prDeleteCacheFileContent | Deletes path location string cache data file. |
prGetCacheFileContent | Get path location string cache data file content. |
prResolvePathViaCategoryNames | Resolves a path using some fuzzy logic. |
prResolvePathViaURLNames | Resolves a path using some fuzzy logic. |
prWriteCacheFileContent | Writes path location string cache data file. |
putFileContents | |
recursiveCopy | Copies source directory to destination directory. |
removeFileInformation | Function removes file meta information from database (used when a file is deleted) |
renderBackendBreadcrumb | Generates category article breadcrumb for backend |
renderLabel | Renders a cHTMLLabel. |
renderSelectProperty | Renders a select element with a label. If there are only two possible values which are called true/false, enabled/disabled or 0/1, a checkbox is rendered. Returns an associative array with the label and the input field. |
renderTextProperty | Renders a cHTMLTextbox. Returns an associative array with the label and the input field. |
saveGroupRights | |
saveRights | |
scanDirectory | Scans passed directory and collects all found files |
scanPlugins | Scans a given plugin directory and places the found plugins into the array $cfg['plugins']. |
sendEncodingHeader | Function checks current language and client settings by HTTP-Params and DB settings. Based on this informations it will send an HTTP header for right encoding. |
set_magic_quotes_gpc | Adds slashes to passed string if PHP setting for magic quotes is disabled |
setArtspecDefault | Set a default article specification |
setArtspecOnline | Set article specifications online |
setSystemProperty | Sets a system property entry |
showTree | |
startTiming | Starts the timing for a specific function |
statCreateLocationString | Generates the location string for passed category id. |
statDisplayTopChooser | Returns a drop down to choose the stats to display |
statDisplayYearlyTopChooser | Returns a drop down to choose the stats to display for yearly summary pages |
statGetAvailableMonths | Return an array with all months for a specific year which are available as stat files |
statGetAvailableYears | Return an array with all years which are available as stat files |
statResetStatistic | Resets the statistic for passed client |
statsArchive | Archives the current statistics |
statsDisplayInfo | Displays statistic information layer (a div Tag) |
statsOverviewAll | Generates a statistics page |
statsOverviewTop | Generates a top |
statsOverviewTopYear | Generates a top |
statsOverviewYear | Generates a statistics page for a given year |
strAssignTemplate | Assigns a template to passed category. |
strBuildSqlValues | Builds values part of the SQL used to recreate the category tree table |
strCheckTreeForErrors | Checks the category tree for errors Returns FALSE if there are NO errors. If there are errors, an array with error messages will be returned |
strCopyCategory | Copies the category and it's existing articles into another category. |
strCopyTree | Copies the categorytree (category and its childs) to an another category. |
strDeeperCategoriesArray | Returns all childs and childchilds of passed category |
strDeleteCategory | Deletes the category and its template configurations. |
strHasArticles | Checks, if passed category contains any articles |
strHasStartArticle | Checks if category has a start article |
strMakePublic | Sets the public status of the category and its childs |
strMakeVisible | Sets the visible status of the category and its childs |
strMoveCatTargetallowed | Checks if category is movable. |
strMoveDownCategory | Moves a category downwards. |
strMoveSubtree | Moves a subtree to another destination. |
strMoveUpCategory | Moves a category upwards. |
strNewCategory | Creates a new category. |
strNewTree | Creates a new category tree (root category item). |
strNextBackwards | Returns next backwards category id |
strNextDeeper | Returns id of next deeper category. |
strNextDeeperAll | Returns list of child categories. |
strNextPost | Returns next post category id |
strOrderedPostTreeList | Builds ordered post string for a passed category |
strRemakeTreeTable | Remakes the category tree structure in category tree table. |
strRenameCategory | Renames a category |
strRenameCategoryAlias | Renames a category alias. |
strSortPrePost | Sorts passed assoziative categories array. |
strSyncCategory | Synchronizes a category from one language to another language. |
systemHavePerm | Check if the user has a right for a defined client. |
tplAutoFillModules | |
tplBrowseLayoutForContainers | Browse a specific layout for containers |
tplcfgDuplicate | Copies a complete template configuration |
tplDeleteTemplate | Delete a template |
tplDuplicateTemplate | Duplicate a template |
tplEditTemplate | Edit or create a new Template |
tplGetContainerDefault | Retrieve the default module |
tplGetContainerMode | Retrieve the container mode |
tplGetContainerName | Retrieve the container name |
tplGetContainerNumbersInLayout | Wrapper for tplPreparseLayout() and tplBrowseLayoutForContainers(). Calls both functions to get the container numbers from layout and return the list of found container numbers. |
tplGetContainerTypes | Retrieve the allowed container types |
tplGetInUsedData | Get used datas if a template is in use |
tplIsTemplateInUse | Checks if a template is in use |
tplPreparseLayout | Preparse the layout for caching purposes |
tplProcessSendContainerConfiguration | Takes over send container configuration data, stores send data (via POST) by article or template configuration in container configuration table. |
updateClientCache | Loads the client information from the database and stores it in config.client.php. Reinitializes the $cfgClient array and fills it wih updated information if provided. |
updateFileInformation | Function updates file meta information (used when files were created or edited). It creates new database record for file meta informations if database record does not exist. Otherwise, existing record will be updated |
uplCreateFriendlyName | Removes unwanted characters from passed filename. |
uplDirectoryListRecursive | Returns array structure of passed directory. Parses the directory recursively and collects informations about found subdirectories. |
uplGetDirectoriesToExclude | Returns list of directory names to exclude e. g. from directory listings. |
uplGetFileExtension | Returns file extension |
uplGetFileIcon | Returns the icon for a file type |
uplGetFileTypeDescription | Returns the description for a file type |
uplGetThumbnail | Returns thumbnail for a specific upload file |
uplHasFiles | Checks if passed upload directory contains at least one file or directory |
uplHasSubdirs | Checks if passed upload directory contains at least one directory |
uplmkdir | Creates a upload directory, either in filesystem or in dbfs. |
uplRecursiveDBDirectoryList | Collects informations about all available dbfs directories stored in TreeItem |
uplRecursiveDirectoryList | Parses passed directory recursively and stores some properties in TreeItem |
uplRenameDirectory | Renames a upload directory, updates all found upoad files containing the old directory name and updates also all entries in propertoes table related to affected upload files. |
uplSearch | |
uplSyncDirectory | Sync database contents with directory and vice versa. - Removes all db entries pointing to non existing directories - Removes all db entries pointing to non existing upload files - Syncs found files in passed path with the database |
uplSyncDirectoryDBFS | Sync database contents with DBFS |