cHTMLAlphaImage |
Remove the usage of this class. We dont need special alpha filter for IE anymore. The last place where it is still in use are the error lists with content toggle (+ - icons) feature! |
cHTMLScript |
Should set attribute type="text/javascript" by default or depending on doctype! |
cIterator | Add more stepping methods, as well as retrieving items |
cUriBuilderMR | Add handling of absolute paths, standardize handling of fragments |
cApiArticleLanguage | setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiCategory | setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiCategoryLanguage | setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiCecHook | _debug() |
Implement cec_hook debug mode for automatic logging when activated. Writes the debug value into a logfile (see contenido/data/log/cec_hook_debug.log). |
cApiCecRegistry | getIterator() |
: cIterator should be replaced by ArrayIterator (@see but ArrayIterator uses rewind() instead of reset()... |
cApiClient | getInstance() |
There is no need since caching is available at GenericDB level |
cApiClient | setProperty() |
should return return value as overwritten method |
cApiClient | getProperties() |
return value should be the same as getPropertiesByType(), e.g. an empty array instead of false |
cApiClient | setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiClientLanguage | setProperty() |
Use parents method should return return value as overwritten method |
cApiClientLanguage | getProperty() |
Use parents method @see Item::getProperty() |
cApiClientLanguage | deleteProperty() |
Use parents method @see Item::deleteProperty(), but be carefull, different parameter! |
cApiClientLanguage | getProperties() |
return value should be the same as getPropertiesByType(), e.g. an empty array instead of false |
cApiContainer | setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiContainerConfiguration | setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiContent | setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiFileInformationCollection | create() |
Pass additional fields as optional parameters |
cApiFileInformationCollection | updateFile() |
Pass additional fields as optional parameters |
cApiFrontendGroupCollection | delete() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiFrontendGroupMemberCollection | create() |
Should return null in case of failure |
cApiModule | setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiPathresolveCache | setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiRightCollection | deleteByUserId() |
Implement functions to delete rights by area, action, cat, client, language. |
cApiTemplate | setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiTemplateConfiguration | setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiType | setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiUploadMeta | setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiUser | getUserPropertiesByType() |
return value should be similar to getUserProperties() |
cArray | searchRecursive() |
There should be only one flag for $partial and $strict in order to avoid ambiguities (imagine $partial=true & $strict=true). |
cContentTypeFilelist | getConfiguredFiles() |
unify return values |
cGuiTableForm | addHeader() |
rename addHeader() to setHeader() |
cRegistry | getDb() |
perhaps its better to instantiate only one object and reset it on call |
cSearch | getSubTree() |
This is not the job for search, should be outsourced ... |
cSearchResult | getArtCat() |
Is not job of search, should be outsourced! |
cUpdateNotifier | fetchUrl() |
add a retry counter and a deathpoint with warning in errorlog |
cUpgradeJobMain | _jobConvertOldStartArticlesToNewOne() |
Move this to an upgrade job |
cUriBuilderCustomPath | buildUrl() |
Somehow get around using prCreateURLNameLocationString() |
Item | _inFilter() |
This method is used from public scope, but it should be protected |
PifaField | _getElemLabel() |
should be private, right? |
PifaField | _getElemField() |
should be private, right? |
PifaField | _getElemHelp() |
should be private, right? |
PifaField | _getElemScript() |
should be private, right? |
PifaForm | store() |
Check if method store() should be implemented for PifaField too. |
TODOItem | setProperty() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
PifaField | VARCHAR_SIZE |
PIFA should be able to calculate the size for one record by the size of its fields and handle it accordingly. |
cDebugFileAndVisAdv | $_instance | should be private |
cItemBaseAbstract | $primaryKey | remove access from public |
cItemBaseAbstract | $virgin | remove access from public |
HtmlParser | $iHtmlText | should be private |
HtmlParser | $iHtmlTextLength | should be private |
HtmlParser | $iHtmlTextIndex | should be private |
PifaAbstractFormProcessor | $_form |
Should be private instead of protected as it can be accessed via getForm() |
buildUserOrGroupPermsFromRequest |
Do we really need to add other perms, if the user/group gets the 'sysadmin' permission? |
cApiStrRecodeString |
Check if the charset names are the same for both converters Implement a converter and charset checker to ensure compilance. |
conGetTopmostCat |
Returns something.... |
mr_strMovedownCategory |
do we really need processing of the category? there is no mr relevant data changes while moving the category on same level, level and name won't change |
mr_strMoveUpCategory |
do we really need processing of the category? there is no mr relevant data changes while moving the category on same level, level and name won't change |
saveSitemap |
How can I save this properly formatted? |
smarty_outputfilter_trimwhitespace |
substr_replace() is not overloaded by mbstring.func_overload - so this function might fail! |
strSortPrePost |
Check logic, move sorting to db layer, if possible! |
uplHasFiles |
Function name is misleading, should be renamed to uplIsEmpty |