Package Core\I18N
cI18n | Internationalization (i18n) class. |
i18n | gettext wrapper (for future extensions). Usage: i18n('Your text which has to be translated'); |
i18nEmulateGettext | Emulates GNU gettext |
i18nGetAvailableLanguages | Returns the available_languages array to prevent globals. |
i18nInit | Initializes the i18n stuff. |
i18nMatchBrowserAccept | Tries to match the language given by $accept to one of the languages in the system. |
i18nRegisterDomain | Registers a new i18n domain. |
i18nStripAcceptLanguages | Strips all unnecessary information from the $accept string. Example: de,nl;q=0.7,en-us;q=0.3 would become an array with de,nl,en-us |
mi18n | Now the function supports formated strings like %s. e.g. echo mi18n("May the %s be with %s", 'force', 'you'); will output: May the force be with you |
trans | gettext wrapper (for future extensions). Usage: trans('Your text which has to be translated'); |