Methods summary
cApiArticleLanguage |
setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiCategory |
setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiCategoryLanguage |
setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiCecHook |
_debug() |
Implement cec_hook debug mode for automatic logging when activated. Writes the
debug value into a logfile (see contenido/data/log/cec_hook_debug.log). |
cApiCecRegistry |
getIterator() |
: cIterator should be replaced by ArrayIterator (@see but ArrayIterator uses
rewind() instead of reset()... |
cApiClient |
getInstance() |
There is no need since caching is available at GenericDB level |
cApiClient |
getProperties() |
return value should be the same as getPropertiesByType(), e.g. an empty array
instead of false |
cApiClient |
setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiClient |
setProperty() |
should return return value as overwritten method |
cApiClientLanguage |
deleteProperty() |
Use parents method @see Item::deleteProperty(), but be carefull, different
parameter! |
cApiClientLanguage |
getProperties() |
return value should be the same as getPropertiesByType(), e.g. an empty array
instead of false |
cApiClientLanguage |
getProperty() |
Use parents method @see Item::getProperty() |
cApiClientLanguage |
setProperty() |
Use parents method |
should return return value as overwritten method |
cApiContainer |
setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiContainerConfiguration |
setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiContent |
setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiFrontendGroupCollection |
delete() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiModule |
setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiPathresolveCache |
setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiRightCollection |
deleteByUserId() |
Implement functions to delete rights by area, action, cat, client, language. |
cApiTemplate |
setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiTemplateConfiguration |
setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiType |
setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiUploadMeta |
setField() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
cApiUser |
getUserPropertiesByType() |
return value should be similar to getUserProperties() |
cArray |
searchRecursive() |
There should be only one flag for $partial and $strict in order to avoid
ambiguities (imagine $partial=true & $strict=true). |
cContentTypeFilelist |
getConfiguredFiles() |
unify return values |
cGuiTableForm |
addHeader() |
rename addHeader() to setHeader() |
cRegistry |
getDb() |
perhaps its better to instantiate only one object and reset it on call |
cSearch |
getSubTree() |
This is not the job for search, should be outsourced ... |
cSearchResult |
getArtCat() |
Is not job of search, should be outsourced! |
cUpdateNotifier |
fetchUrl() |
add a retry counter and a deathpoint with warning in errorlog |
cUpgradeJobMain |
_jobConvertOldStartArticlesToNewOne() |
Move this to an upgrade job |
cUriBuilderCustomPath |
buildUrl() |
Somehow get around using prCreateURLNameLocationString() |
Item |
_inFilter() |
This method is used from public scope, but it should be protected |
PifaField |
_getElemField() |
should be private, right? |
PifaField |
_getElemHelp() |
should be private, right? |
PifaField |
_getElemLabel() |
should be private, right? |
PifaField |
_getElemScript() |
should be private, right? |
PifaForm |
store() |
Check if method store() should be implemented for PifaField too. |
TODOItem |
setProperty() |
should return return value of overloaded method |
Functions summary
buildUserOrGroupPermsFromRequest |
Do we really need to add other perms, if the user/group gets the 'sysadmin'
permission? |
cApiStrRecodeString |
Check if the charset names are the same for both converters |
Implement a converter and charset checker to ensure compilance. |
conGetTopmostCat |
Returns something.... |
mr_strMovedownCategory |
do we really need processing of the category? there is no mr relevant data
changes while moving the category on same level, level and name won't change |
mr_strMoveUpCategory |
do we really need processing of the category? there is no mr relevant data
changes while moving the category on same level, level and name won't change |
saveSitemap |
How can I save this properly formatted? |
strSortPrePost |
Check logic, move sorting to db layer, if possible! |
uplHasFiles |
Function name is misleading, should be renamed to uplIsEmpty |