1: <?php
2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14:
16: defined('CON_FRAMEWORK') || die('Illegal call: Missing framework initialization - request aborted.');
18: session_unset();
20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25:
26: class cSetupNotInstallable extends cSetupMask
27: {
29: function cSetupNotInstallable ($sReason)
30: {
31: cSetupMask::cSetupMask("templates/notinstallable.tpl");
32: $this->setHeader("CONTENIDO Version " . CON_SETUP_VERSION);
33: $this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "TITLE", "Willkommen zu dem Setup von CONTENIDO / Welcome to the CONTENIDO Setup");
34: $this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "ERRORTEXT", "Setup nicht ausführbar / Setup not runnable");
35: if ($sReason === 'session_use_cookies') {
36: $this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "REASONTEXT", "You need to set the PHP configuration directive 'session.use_cookies' to 1 and enable cookies in your browser. This setup won't work without that.");
37: } elseif ($sReason === 'database_extension') {
38: $this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "REASONTEXT", "Couldn't detect neither MySQLi extension nor MySQL extension. You need to enable one of them in the PHP configuration (see dynamic extensions section in your php.ini). CONTENIDO won't work without that.");
39: } elseif ($sReason === 'php_version') {
40: $this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "REASONTEXT", "Leider erfüllt Ihr Webserver nicht die Mindestvorraussetzung von PHP " . CON_SETUP_MIN_PHP_VERSION . " oder höher. Bitte installieren Sie PHP " . CON_SETUP_MIN_PHP_VERSION . " oder höher, um mit dem Setup fortzufahren.<br><br>Unfortunately your webserver doesn't match the minimum requirement of PHP " . CON_SETUP_MIN_PHP_VERSION . " or higher. Please install PHP " . CON_SETUP_MIN_PHP_VERSION . " or higher and then run the setup again.");
41: } else {
43: $this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "REASONTEXT", "Reason unknown");
44: }
45: }
46: }
48: global $sNotInstallableReason;
50: $cNotInstallable = new cSetupNotInstallable($sNotInstallableReason);
51: $cNotInstallable->render();
53: die();
55: ?>